Shania and Shaun

June 27, 2026
471 Days To Go!

Shania and Shaun

June 27, 2026
471 Days To Go!

Wedding Details

Order of Events

June 27 2026

5:00 PM- Ceremony-Lawn Gazebo

6:00 PM- Cocktail Hour- Piano Bar

7:00 PM- Reception- Ballroom

More information to come!!!



Lawn Gazebo 5:00 PM

Please arrive by 4:30 PM to be seated for the ceremony, which will begin promptly at 5:00 PM. The bride and groom kindly request that guest remain present in the moment and refrain from using cellphones, as the ceremony will be unplugged.

What is an unplugged ceremony?

The term unplugged means to turn off your cell phones and cameras. No devices. Eyes up and focus on the couple. It applies solely to the ceremony and acts as a gentle reminder for our guests to remain present at our ceremony. This will also allow the photographer to capture all of your smiles and tears of joy. We have an amazing photographer/ videographer, and we trust him to capture this special moment for us.

Cocktail Hour


Piano Bar 6:00 PM



Ball Room 7:00 PM

Join us for the reception immediately following the cocktail hour. There will be speeches, great food, drinks, music, lots of dancing and most importantly, fun amongst loved ones.

Come ready to dance!!!


To give all our guests the opportunity to celebrate without having to worry about little eyes and ears, we politely request no children under the age of 15 be in attendance at our wedding. We hope you understand our decision to make our wedding child free and take this opportunity to let your hair down.